
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

i know you!

by genghis gilgamesh

conrad felt good about life.

all his troubles were over.

his life was empty of cares, and his brain was empty of distractions.

all he needed was to get a little better organized, and he would be looking good.

he might even give veronica a call.

well, maybe not go quite so far as that.

suddenly, as he was musing thusly, he saw harold approaching him.

he had no particular desire to see or talk to harold, but he felt that crossing the street to avoid him was somehow out of keeping with his newfound equilibrium.

now he saw that harold must have seen him, because harold was picking up his pace as he bore down on him.

i know you! harold cried as he closed the gap.

harold had the same foolish grin that had always challenged conrad’s sense of courtesy.

i can’t believe i am meeting you here! harold exclaimed.

i go out of doors almost every day, conrad replied politely. even when it rains.

and i stay indoors almost every day, harold rejoindered. especially when it rains, ha ha!

it is nice to see you, conrad said gamely.

for any particular reason? harold retorted, raising his bushy eyebrows.

no, really, it is always a pleasure to encounter you.

i knew it! same old conrad, always mired in the muck of politeness and platitudes, ha, ha, ha!

terrible thoughts gathered like storm clouds in the back of conrad’s brain.

the euphoria of a few minutes ago was threatened by an undercurrent of primal abhorrence of harold and all the people in the world like him…

the moment seemed frozen for an eternity.

pull yourself together, conrad told himself. this, too, shall pass.

he tried to think happy thoughts, but harold was saying something… something so terrible that conrad thought his brain would explode…

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