
Thursday, May 12, 2022

the river and the highway, part 2

by henry drown

part two of three

joe and his dog richard dalton conroy took to the highway.

i have changed my mind, i don’t like that name for the dog.

you liked it before.

it does not go with joe.

all right, how about spike?

spike is good.

all right, then, joe and spike went down to the highway.

it was strangely deserted.

they had expected to have to walk by the side of the road, because big rigs would be continuously flying past them.

but they could have walked right in the center of the road if they had chosen to.

you know, spike, old buddy, joe said, at this rate it will take a long time to get where we are going.

where were they going?

that is a good question. they were going wherever the wind blew.

is that because they were wild and free?

no, because there was a hellhound on their trail.

and what was the hellhound’s name?


and why was hank on their trail?

actually he was just on joe’s trail, he did not have any quarrel with spike.

there must be a story behind that.

there is.

end of part two

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