
Monday, May 2, 2022

the road

by bofa xesjum

i’m a strange man.

really? what is strange about you?

you found me wandering down the road, didn’t you? isn’t that strange?

no, we find people wandering down the road every day. there s a whole department devoted to processing people like you, and i am an employee of it. now, we need to give you a name.

i have a name, my name is the road.

not any more.

the interviewer consulted her screen.

here are some names you can use:

a) harold vance.

b) parker inglesby

c) temporary white.

d) siddhartha jenkins,

i don’t like any of those names.

then i will give you a name: omar 37 khayyam.

my name is the road.

your name is omar 37 khayyam. moving right along, now we need to classify you. the classifications available are:

a). rhubarb

b) whiffenpoof

c) corinthian

d) muleskinner

i don’t like any of those. i can not be classified, i am a strange man. my name is the road.

all riight, omar 37, you are a corinthian. now, we have to get you some breakfast. your choices are:

a). a ham and egg sandwich

b) a cheese danish

c) a slice of pepperoni pizza

d) grits

you have a choice of coffee or water.

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